Civil Service Grammar Practice Test Results

Question 1
60% answer correctly
Which of the following is gramatically correct?
The board of directors advise to the CEO was to talk to the media.
This would have been easier if I had taken your advice.
This would have been easier if I had taken your advise.
If you can take advise then you have an advantage over most people.
Question 2
45% answer correctly
Which of the following sentences is not gramatically correct?
Almost all fish breathe through gills.
I know that he would fight to his last breathe.
He was like a breath of fresh air.
The accident victim was fighting to breathe.
Question 3
65% answer correctly
Which of the following sentences is gramatically correct?
Three large elephants escaped the zoo.
Dog`s prefer not to be left alone.
Don`t look down on him. We are all equal`s.
Rent two scooter`s for the price of one.