Civil Service Grammar Practice Test Results

Question 1
39% answer correctly
Which of the following sentences is not gramatically correct?
My wife and I accept your apology.
This present is from my son and me.
You and I argue about this daily.
Keep this between you and I.
Question 2
49% answer correctly
Which of the following sentences is gramatically correct?
If Vernon does not play we will lose the game.
She doesn`t have a long attention span and will loose interest easily.
I loose my cell phone at least once a week.
Wear lose fitting clothes on vacation because it is going to be hot.
Question 3
48% answer correctly
Which of the following sentences is not gramatically correct?
I`m very close to the fire. I can feel its heat.
It`s stopped raining.
This is it`s last voyage.
It`s not my turn.