ACLS Certification Pharmacology Practice Test Results

Question 1
90% answer correctly
A 35-year old woman has palpitations, lightheadedness, and a stable tachycardia. The monitor shows a regular narrow-complex QRS at a rate of 180/min. Vagal maneuvers have not been effective in terminating the rhythm. An IV has been established. What drug should be administered IV?
Lidocaine 1 mg/kg
Epinephrine 2-10 ụg/kg per minute
Atropine 0.5 mg
Adenosine 6 mg
Question 2
54% answer correctly
A patient has sinus bradycardia with a rate of 36/min. Atropine has been administered to a total dose of 3 mg. TCP has failed to capture. The patient is confused and BP is 100/60. Which of the following is now indicated?
Give additional 1mg Atropine
Give NS bolus 250 mL-500mL
Start dopamine 10-20 ụg/kg per minute
Start epinephrine 2-10 ụg/min
Question 3
62% answer correctly
A patient with a possible acute coronary syndrome has ongoing chest discomfort unresponsive to 3 sublingual nitroglycerine tablets. There are no contraindications and 4 mg of morphine sulfate was administered. Shortly, BP falls to 88/60 and the patient complains of increased chest discomfort. You would:
Give nitroglycerin 0.4 mg sublingually
Start dopamine at 2 ụg/kg per minute and titrate to BP 100 systolic.
Give an additional 2 mg of morphine sulfate
Give normal saline 250 mL to 500 mL fluid bolus