ACLS Certification Practice Test Results

Question 1
61% answer correctly
A 57 year-old woman has palpitations, chest discomfort and tachycardia. The monitor shows a regular wide-complex QRS at a rate of 180.min. She becomes diaphoretic and BP is 80/60. The next action is to:
Establish IV and give sedation for electrical cardioversion
Give amiodarone 300 mg IV push
Perform immediate synchronized cardioversion
Obtain 12 lead ECG
Question 2
34% answer correctly
A patient with an ST-segment elevation MI has ongoing chest discomfort. Fibrinolytic therapy has been ordered. Heparin 4000 U IV bolus was administered and a heparin infusion 100 U per hour is being administered, and Aspirin was not taken by the patient because he had a history of gastritis treated 5 years ago. Your next action is to:
Give 75 mg enteric-coated aspirin only
Substitute clopidogrel 300 mg loading dose
Give aspirin 160 – 325 mg chewed, immediately
Give 325 mg enteric-coated aspiring rectally
Question 3
50% answer correctly

Which of the following identifies this ECG rhythm?

Fine Ventricular Fibrillation
Normal Sinus Rhythm (NSR)
Sinus Bradycardia
Atrial Fibrillation
Sinus Tachycardia
2nd Degree Type I Block
3rd Degree Block
Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT)
Coarse Ventricular Fibrillation
Atrial Flutter
2nd Degree Type II Block
Polymorphic VTach (Torsades)
Monomorphic VTach